Gauges, Interior Lighting, MAF Filtering - 03/19/2013

It's been getting warmer here so I got off my butt last weekend and worked on my car a little bit.

One of the neater things I've made recently is a 'real' harness for my dash top gauge pod.
The pigtail at the end allows me to remove individual gauges instead of removing the whole pod and having to thread/re-thread the whole harness down through the dash (NOT fun).

The new gauge harness came about from the need to remove and return a speedhut fuel pressure gauge which in turn was a result of a phantom fuel pressure issue I've been tinkering with for months.

After moving past my fuel pressure hangup I found myself thinking back to a quick PM a guy here sent me named scuter83. In it he said:

"Hey, I saw your thread about your car not running right and noticed a few things. You might want to try running it without that honey comb you added. Those MAF sensors are very sensitive to the way air is introduced to them, and although adding a flow straightener seems like a good idea, it isn't always the best depending on how it is implemented. "

This got my gears turning because I haven't checked on my honey comb air straightener since I installed it back in July 2012. See the results in the pics below.

The last thing I've been working on is changing all the interior backlighting and indicator lights in the FD's dash to LEDs. This is something I used to for mr2 owners back in the day so I already had the supplies I needed. I've finished, but I haven't taken pictures with everything lit up yet. I'll try and post a pic tonight though.

What I do have pics of is of my logicon during its repair.

Repair? Oh I know ya'll have all seen this kind of stuff falling off of your interior panels: