This is where things started going backwards (in a good way) and also speeding up. Speeding up because, from experience, I know December is a wash when it comes to projects. To further fuel the fire, I'm about 3 months into this project, and again, from experience, I know the longer something with this many pieces stays apart, the harder it is to put back together. I wanted all the major components back together by Thanksgiving with only the transmission, accessories, and dropping everything back in for 2022.
Because of the push to finish the more intricate engine work before Thanksgiving, my documentation started to suffer.
As far as timing goes, pretty much everything went in reverse, except everything was much cleaner with every seal getting replaced. If you really want to see the reassembly step by step start with step 46 of the GAS M62TU timing tutorial.
Additionally, a huge job I completely neglected to document is my vanos rebuild. I actually did the rebuild myself instead of shipping mine to Dr. Vanos. If you're interested in this challenging procedure, scroll about 1/3 of the way down to the section called "Rebuilding of camshaft tensioners" on Beisan System's M62TU Vanos Procedure.
With that said, here are some pics I did take of this project during late October - Thanksgiving: