False Start Engine Drop - 02/28/2022

What started out as a joyous celebration ended in a setback. Tonight I dropped the engine back in the bay on new motor mounts. Part of the process involves re-assembling the passenger side motor mount which has the ac compressor mount integrated. Since my AC compressor is dangling / still attached to keep from recovering the refrigerant and recharging, it was easiest to just re-install the compressor on the passenger engine mount while dropping the engine in.
This is where I ran into trouble. As I was torquing the last super long AC mounting bolt to the passenger mount / compressor mount, the boss let go and out comes my bolt with the aluminum threading in tow. Doh!
No way to repair except to pull the passenger mount back out and resuspend the ac compressor. The engine won't stay balanced on 2 motor mounts and my engine crane hydraulic cylinder wouldn't stay put for the days it would take to order a new threadsert kit, so I had to get creative and build a support 'structure' under the oil pan.